1 Diane Killer

Professional Dominatrix, BDSM artist, specialist in needlework

Diane Killer is a French dominatrix with extensive experience of the so-called technical BDSM practices, but also an excellent profiler and fine psychologist in the human approach she defends as the undeniable and mandatory basis of this profession

Wearing a lot of hats on a daily basis, she is involved in a wide range of fields, including the media, press, training, conferences, the stage and sponsors.

Passionate and committed to her craft, she offers a wide range of practices and creative talents to meet the most original or rare requests.

However, she never abandons her immutable principles, never changing the rules in her dungeon, and only selects people who are respectful, aware and convinced of her authentic approach. As she is increasingly called upon outside her dungeon, her availability is scarce and is therefore reserved for the most deserving.

Regularly called to train new needle play practitioners, she travels to run workshops in France and abroad, realize artistic performances and creating records for conventions.

Professional Dominatrix, radio columnist, author; speaker, creator, she is now a reference in the BDSM and Fetish "made in France"

Former radio columnist of the "Boudoir BDSM", she regularly appears in the media and also gives lectures on a variety of themes for several structures to which she is frequently called.

With her BDSM artistic approach, you can also see her on stage once or twice a month for scenic shows and performances in France and in Europe where she deploys her own arts.

Although she started out as a dungeon dominatrix, her career development today offers a wide range of services, from the most traditional requests to the most audacious projects.

To find out more about the large scope of her activities, take a look at the next few pages and discover her media, articles, interviews, shows, record-breaking performances and workshops.Running her business differently today, some lucky people may still have a chance to pass through her expert hands, but the selection process is tough and precise.

Si votre projet possède une dimension artistique et intellectuelle, vous aurez peut-être la chance de la rencontrer dans son lieu… Le donjon qui, aujourd’hui est devenu laboratoire de créations vivantes, ne reçoit dorénavant que des profils rares et particuliers. Dans une démarche où l’humain est au cœur de chaque histoire qu’elle nous offre en beauté, ses humains, elle les veut sources d’inspiration, elle les choisit en rencontres fantastiques.


Follow her news and her work on Twitter. https://twitter.com/diane_killer

Sur Fetlife @DianeKILLER

Sur Insta @stormholesociety
